Rainy weekend in Seattle

I've used the holiday weekend to visit Seattle with my wife as we wanted to explore Seattle Art Museum and a couple of other sites in the rainy city. Weather was perfect for strolling around museums as it was drizzling most of the time and when it wasn't it was just cold due to wind and high humidity. In the result I did not spent too much time taking pictures but fortunately I managed to snap a couple of shots I like with the ferris wheel being my favorite.
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @20mm f/8 4s ISO 250
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @33mm f/8 20s ISO 320
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @40mm f/5 1/100s ISO 800
On our last day we drove to Snoqualmie Falls. There was some heavy rain on the way and when we reached the falls and walked to the viewpoint - the only thing we could see was fog from the mix of low clouds and heavy water spray from the waterfall as it had a massive flow. On some occasions when the fog cleared the waterfall looked monstrous almost like during a flood - I definitely need to get back there in the summer to get some more shots.
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @20mm f/5 1/200s ISO 640