Horsetail Falls Loop

Last weekend was particularly gloomy and wet, nonetheless as soon as I saw a little sun on Sunday I've decided to go for a short hike and drove to the Horsetail Falls Loop in the Gorge. It's a perfect hike for beginners with just about 2.6 miles and very nice waterfalls including Ponytail Falls and one of the Oneonta Falls, not to mention the Horsetail Falls itself although due to the size it's a little hard to capture this one.
Ponytail Falls
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @20mm f/8 5.0s ISO 100
Middle Oneonta Falls
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @20mm f/8 5.0s ISO 100
By the end I was completely wet (heavy rain started on my way to Oneonta Falls) and a covered in some mud due to slide I did when searching for a good vantage point to capture the Ponytail Falls, but I was still happy I could get out there after almost three weeks of staying home with cold.