Discovering Oregon #1 (White River Falls)

I found a great resource for finding some amazing waterfalls lately (at and decided to check out White River Falls near Maupin, OR.
I must say this one is a trully hidden gem.
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @23mm f/8 30s ISO 100
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @20mm f/8 30s ISO 100
Another interesting discovery was a small abandoned water power plant that used to supply power to Central Oregon between 1910 and 1960.
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @20mm f/6.3 1/40s ISO 400
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @20mm f/5 1/30s ISO 800
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @20mm f/7.1 1/60s ISO 400
On the way to White River Falls I've stopped at the Rowena Crest Viewpoint - turns out even at 8.30am I was still too late, I'll need to get back there at sunset.
Pentax HD Ltd. 20-40mm/2.8-4.0 @20mm f/8 1/3s ISO 100